《Lesson 8 My Family Tree》教学设计
作者:市教科所 发布时间:1970-01-01 08:00:00 点击数:
学 科:英 语 课例名称:Lesson 8 My Family Tree 任课教师:杨玲玲 指导老师:陈 红 课 型:新授课 年 级:五年级 教材版本:English This Way 5 教学设计: 一、教学目标 知识目标:熟练掌握本课表示家庭成员的相关单词,发音正确,语调自然。 能力目标:会用英语介绍家庭成员 情感目标:让每个学生热爱自己的家庭 课 时:第一课时 教学过程: Step1 Greetings T:Good afternoon boys and girls. Ss: Good afternoon Miss Yang. T:Nice to see you. Ss:Nice to see you,too. T:Hi,ChenCheng How are you? Chen:I,m fine.Thank you And you? T:I,m fine,too. Thank you. T:Hi girl.What,t your favourite day? S1:Tuesday. T:Why? S1:Because,I have English or Tuesday. T:Hello boy! S2:Hello Miss Yang. T:What subject do you like best? S2:I like English best. T:Why do you like English best? S2:Because, It,s useful and interesting. Step 2 Review Broadcast CAI T:Look,What,s this? Ss:It,s a tree. T:Yes. It,s tree. Teach the word :father ,mother. Step 3 Presentation 1、T:Who’s the man? Teach the word“man”. T:Who’s the woman? Teache the word“woman” 2、T:This man is my father and that man is father’s fath. His my grand father. grand+father=grandfather 3、This woman is my mother and that woman is my mother’s mother. She my grand mother. grand+mother=grandmother 4、Ask and answer T:Is this your father? Ss:No T:Is that your mother? Ss:No T:Who’s the man? Ss:He your grandfather. T:Who’s the woman? Ss:She your grandmother. 5、Zhang Jaling and Yang Song come here. Plcase stand here. Zhang Jialing is next to Yang. Yang Song is next to Zhang Jialing T:Who’s next to my uncle? Ss:Aunt T:Who’s the woman in yellow? Ss:She’s your aunt. 6、Let then make a family tree ask and answer. Use:Who’s the man in …? Who’s the woman in …? Who’s the boy in …? Who’s the girl in …? Step 4 Learn to say 1、Listen to the tape and point the textbook. 2、Listen again and answer the question? How many people are there in Rose’s famaily? 3、Listen and read. 4、Listen and read again. 5、Read it by themselves together. Step 5 Use their family tree practise in pairs. A:Is this your …? B:Yes.And She’s/He’s my… A:Who’s the man in …? B:He’s my… A:Who’s the woman next to …? B:She’s my … Step 6 Use the family tree introduce their family members. Step 7 Homework ①Listen to the tape. ②Introduce their family menbers to their friends.
板 书 设 计 Lesson 8 My Family Tree woman yellow Who’s the man in black? aunt She’s my He’s uncle
课 后 反 思
因为小学生具有好奇、活泼的特性,学习时注意力往往不能长时间保持集中,所以在教学中要创建始终吸引学生注意力的教学模式,努力营造语言和情境交融的教学氛围,注意训练形式的变换,以确保所有的学生都能积极主动并始终高效地参与课堂学习,体验学习的成功和乐趣。 在巩固操练这一环节中,我创设了一个个生动活泼、趣味盎然的学习情境,设计了一个个丰富多彩、寓教于乐的手工制作活动。 第一个环节是Make a family Tree. 让学生在快乐的音乐氛围中,制作他们的家系树,然后指着同桌的家系树问“Who’s the man in…” Who’s the woman in …?Who’s the boy in…?另外一个同学回答。这个活动体现了学科的整合,把音乐、美术用到了英语课堂,使课堂充满了乐趣和活力。 第二个环节以学生的家系树为样本。 学生运用新学的句型开展问答,这是从视觉角度设计的一个综合性操练活动。 第三个环节让学生自己用家系树把他们的家庭成员介绍给大家,培养学生用学过的语言陈述事实,体现学生运用语言的能力。 总之,在进行教学设计时,我力争将丰富多彩、活泼有趣的形式与有效的语言实际有机结合,使学生多种感官并用,在听中学、玩中说,做到创情、激情、融情,增强活动的情趣性。在目标上,寓技能训练、思维开拓、能力培养于活动和游戏中,关注学生的全面发展。在手段上恰到好处地利用多媒体、传统媒体和真实场景等教学资源,使教学更加形象生动,富有趣味。