高考英语复习:英语扩充词汇量 巧用构词法
南开中学 段胜利 例如下面的合成词,皆可“旧词生新” breakdown, downtown, headmaster, headmistress, hometown, household, keyword, midnight, motorbike, network, seaside, sideways, software, teenager, timetable, website, backstage, headline, leaflet, lifestyle, masterpiece, nearby, overweight, rooftop, shoplifting, spaceship, toothache, watercolor。 但也有些则不能望文生义,因为原来两个单词语义与新单词语义有天壤之别。 例如下面的一些词,都是要格外留心,重新记忆的: eggplant(茄子), hamburger( 汉堡包), pineapple(菠萝), French windows(落地长窗), sweetmeats(糖果), sweetbreads(牛羊杂碎), guinea pig(土豚鼠), overlook(忽视), oversee(监督)等。 二、三种构词法的应用 1.掌握构词法,为阅读扫清词汇障碍 很多同学在阅读中有一个不好的习惯,就是边读边查“生词”。而这里所谓的“生词”其实并不“生”。不要认为第一次看到的不认识的词就是生词,看看单词的构成,很多词用构词法完全可猜。例如,阅读下面一段话: No one can fail to stand in awed admiration of the great discoveries of history—Newton' s laws of motion; Kepler' s principles of planetary movement, Einstein' s general theory of relativity. Equally awe-inspiring are artistic creations in painting, theatre, music and literature, which have also been brought about by discovery through personal efforts. What do these extraordinary achievements of well-known scientists and artists have to do with problem solving? 上面这段文字中的admiration,motion,planetary,artistic,creations等词语,让我们联想到admire(羡慕,钦佩),move(动),planet(行星),art(艺术)和create(创造)等词语;而awe-inspiring,well-known等合成词,直接从原词词义就可获得。 |
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